
My favorite football team

My favorite football team
Terang teranglah gambar ni terang sebenarnya kitorang gelap gelap je

Saturday 17 November 2012

Memanglah anta/anti punya tapi

Assalamualaikum :)

Curious ? Hm .

Kita ada account Twitter . Some people will tweet almost every single thing she/he do but some of us only tweet important event / quotes / reminder and all that . It doesn't matter bcse Twitter is a microblog . It is just like a blogger but it is easier to follow the latest update about anyone .

In my opinion (and i think yours also) u can tweet your daily routine , what u see , what u heard . Everything la kan . Sometimes tk semua tweet perlu quotes ke ape sbb utk berdakwah kita kne sempoi je . Sambil berdakwah sambil mendekati orng sekeliling :)

Ana rasa tak patut bila mmng la Twitter acc tu anti/anta pny . Nak mngadu pasal putus cinta ? Tak laku ? Takde orng nak ? Bnyk pakwe ? Gaduh dgn pakwe ? Nak cerai ? Family problem ? Do u think it is appropriate to tell evryone . I mean EVERYONE whose follows you ? I don't think so . Especially a girl . They tend to tell everything more than a man . Just tell several people or only one people or better 'tell' Allah everything that is not appropriate to share with everyone . Other things , maybe can .

Think again . What can u get from telling people that many people love u and they're waiting for you ? Your parents are fighting ? You're a serial killer ?-- okay ni melebih :D Nothing . Seriously nothing . At last , u will have only one husband . Don't u feel ashamed ? At least feel ashamed to Allah and Rasulullah . It is not only embarassing but also annoyed much for us who are reading it . Seriously .

 I'm not pointing this out to anyone or any specific people . I followed 250++ people and not only one person who did this . And maybe I , myself did not realize what I've tweeted annoyed people . Just think like this before u tweet something "Kalau Allah tnye knpe aku tweet bnda ni aku boleh jawab tak ?" Sedangkan setiap perbuatan kita nnti dipersoalkan . Kan ? Ana tk sempurna jgk bab ni . Tapi usahakan la . Kalau nak senang , tengok cara ustaz / imam muda / ikon muslim & muslimah tweet . Kekadang diorng bgi peringatan , kdng diorng sembang santai .

Ana tegur sbb ana prnh lalui zaman zaman yg bgi ana jahil sngt . Malu sngt nak imbau balik . Semua bnda nak bgtau kan . Nasib time tu tkde Twitter , at least terjaga . Gilo la . Tapi bila baca balik ape yg ditulis sblum mndalami ape erti seorng hamba , seorng Muslimah dan di mana letaknya nilai seorang wanita finally ana faham . Ana rase bodoh sngt sbb buat semua tu dulu . So friends , I love u .  Ana tknk awak nmpk 'fool' dpn orng . Biar buta mata , jgn buta hati . Orng yg buat hati je akn layan tntg cinta berlebihan . Wake up muslimahs ! :)

Ingat , social sites ni dicipta oleh Yahudi . Progpaganda Yahudi utk merosakkan kita , utk membuatkan kita kelihatan 'bodoh' sngt bnyk . So , don't be like one in your own Twiter acc please . This is a bit harsh . I'm advising myself .


Setiap yg soleh/solehah itu ada dosa lampau
Setiap yg berdosa itu ada masa depan 

Allah Maha Pengampun . ayuh berubah ! :)

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