
My favorite football team

My favorite football team
Terang teranglah gambar ni terang sebenarnya kitorang gelap gelap je

Thursday 15 August 2013


Abin ni empunya badan Nurul Nabila Abdullah Kassim

Bukan dustbin, recycle bin atau bini Mr.Bean pun

Dekat sekolah dulu kami sesama Vice House Captain . In SBP, Vice House Captain is also a prefect  & hold many responsibilities. Ibarat mak yah, prefect pun ye jugak itu ini & sebagainya.

Abin, Wahida, Izati, Aisyah . Wahida I met her almost every week as we are in the same classes (here, at UIA) sometimes . If no we almost met at le meeting as we are destined to be together (for the rest of my lfe) i guess. Alhamdulillah

But this time I wanna talk about Abin . Wyda punya nanti :3

Time sekolah dulu bukan semua faham House Captain & V.House Captain . We are workaholic, very rigid and very the diva . Wuhuu . There were 8 of us . Lagi 4 captain kamek la kan . All the time sini sana berkepit as we complete our task together. Okay taknak cerita part ni , nak cite pasal Abin

I haven't met her almost 2 yrs I think. I miss her so much. Sometimes I tried to reach her but no reply. I thought she don't love me & Wyda anymore T-T (sensitifnya dak ni) .

One day, I got a text message.

"Assalamualaikum! Hai Wan kau dekat mana?"
"Waalaikumussalam. Hai binbin. Dekat UIA, bakpo?"
"Kau dekat mahallah kau ke? Sihat ke?" (ooouh i'm touched)
"Ha-ah. Sihat jeee :) Kau sihat?"
"Eeeeei! Aku dekat UIA jugak dkt depan Mahallah Aisyah"
"Siyeeeeees? Nak jumpaaaaa" (excited gegila punya) terus siap
"Zainab, tepi Aisyah tu je. Jap aku turooooon"
"Dah turun call la aku :)"

Sampai depan Aisyah.

Dedua jerit cam ape excited to the max. Mata Abin biasala bersinar nampak berair tak tau la excited ke apa. I wish I would cry in front of her . Sebab rindu dia ya Allah ! Beborak siket. Abin makin berisi, I feel like I am the only one yg nampak tak sihat :( Pastu ofkos la we call Wyda first to make her jealous. Sapa suruh balik rumah awal . Hehe . This is the part where I was very touched :-

"Kau sihat ke Wan?"
"Sihat jee"
"Okay la. Takde sesakit kepala ke apa macam dulu? Pengsan ke"
"Sakit kepala tu biasa la Abin lepas keluar hospital dulu. Macam tu la jugak . Yg lain okay, pengsan belum pernah lagi :D"

She asked with her face that really care. Thanks Abin. Selamat belajar dkt UiTM Shah Alam. We can meet often :*

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