
My favorite football team

My favorite football team
Terang teranglah gambar ni terang sebenarnya kitorang gelap gelap je

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


1. There is something of many things that we can't describe and tell even our bestie . That kind of feeling was  .. err ... creepy and silent

2 . This busyness sometimes buat ana membebel but not membebel tk puas hati busy ke apa kdng rasa cm mampu ke aku ni ? Oh , lupa "Allah tidak akn menguji hamba-hambaNya di luar kemampuan mereka" . I'm so strong bcse I have Him . Woot

But there was sometimes that make me feel 'Alhamdulillah , I used to feel the busyness , tiredness , failure , frustration , dissappointed and all that since secondary school and all that thing help me survive in a situation like now' . Thank you ya Rabb .

I , hereby declare that , Aisyah is proud with herself ! Yeaaaah

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